Under Pressure
December 19, 2006Dan No Comments »Well, maybe not so much anymore. I had 3 exams today. Unfortunately all the hard exams got scheduled for today, and now I have to stick around to take the easy one on thursday. I think I touched on this before. The good news is that after my exams today, I will pull out of physics with a B. I fear the scores on the rest of my exams will be bad news, but oh well. Next semester will be my semester to shine. I swear.
Speaking of things that are under pressure, there’s the front quarter panel of my car (!). Sometime between midnight wednesday and 11 thursday morning, my car was hit in the parking lot behind my apartment. The damage is rather significant (aesthetically, anyway) and as my luck would have it the perpetrator did not leave a note. There’s only one vehicle in our lot that could have left the particular marks on my car, and of course he denies everything. Ah well, I guess there’s not much I can do about it. I plan to file a police report tomorrow, we’ll see what becomes of that. You can view a picture of the damage here. I guess the only thing I have on my side right now is that my car is/was one of the most popular cars in America (in one of the most popular colors). Hopefully I can find a wrecked one in a junkyard with back end damage. Swap out that quarter panel and things will be almost as good as new.
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